RESURRECTION BAPTIST CHURCH believes and proclaims the following principles of faith:

5.1 God is One, Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omnipotent, True and Eternal. (Gen. 1:1; Jn.4:24).

5.2 Man was created in holiness and freedom; he voluntarily sinned, since then he is inclined towards evil. (Rom. 3:23).

5.3 Christ is the Only Begotten Son of God, who died and rose again to forgive sins and give eternal life to man. (Rom. 5:8; 1Jn.4:10).

5.4 The Holy Spirit is the one who continues the work of redemption, convicts of sin and guides each disciple to fulfill the will of God. (Jn.14:26)

5.5 Grace is the manifestation of sovereign divine goodness offering forgiveness freely. (Eph. 2:8,9).

5.6 By faith man is saved. (Eph. 2:8; 2Co. 4:13).

5.7 The Church is the body of Christ, made up of transformed, baptized people committed to being his disciples. (Matt. 16:18).

5.8 The Bible is the Word of God, the only norm of faith and practice, useful for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for instructing in justice. (Heb.1:1; 2Ti.3:16).

5.9 Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are the only ordinances given to the Church. (Mt. 28:18,19; 1Co.11:23-26).

5.10 The separation between Church and State for the benefit of man. (Mt. 22:21; Rom. 13:1-8).

5.11 Freedom of conscience, since only God is Lord of it and has made it free from doctrines and commandments of men that in any way are contrary to his Word or that are not contained in it. (Gal. 5:1,2; Rom.14:4).

5.12 The announcement of the second coming of Christ, who will do so in the glory of the Father, as a concrete and definitive fact in history and in the life of the believer. (Mt. 16:27; 24:29,30).

5.13 Marriage is an institution by God and is solely and exclusively between a man and a woman Gen. 2:24


The CHURCH regulates the development of its activities in accordance with the following denominational principles:

6.1 The FREEDOM to participate as witnesses in a community of faith and believers, where each member freely commits to the development of the mission and objectives of the Church.

6.2 COMMUNION among its members and attendees, inside and outside the congregation.

6.3 RELIGIOUS FREEDOM AND CONSCIENCE, as the free and spontaneous manifestation of believing, worshiping and propagating the faith, without government coercion or clerical interference.

6.4 CONTINUOUS AND SYSTEMATIC EDUCATION as the commitment of the Church to biblically structure the members at different levels of teaching, under the New Testament parameters.

6.5 EVANGELIZATION AND MISSIONS, as the manifestation that the man, disciple and witness of Christ Jesus commits to evangelize and carry out mission in obedience to the New Testament mandate. (Mt.28:19; Mr.16:15; Acts.1:8).